If you experience issues submitting documents or downloading reports, please follow the guide below)When submitting documents or downloading reports, if you see an error message stating,
"Flash could not be loaded", please make sure you have Adobe Flash Player (free) installed and running by
clicking here.
Google Chrome users, please follow the steps below:
On your computer, open Chrome and type in the login portal address: click here To the left of the web address, click Lock
or Info
At the bottom, click Site Settings.In the new tab, to the right of "Flash," click the Down arrow
Go back to the site and reload the page.
If you see an empty page when uploading documents or downloading reports (this is usually indicative of lingering session data from your previous log-in), please clear your browser cache completely (including cookies), close the browser, re-open it and re-login to the account (
step-by-step guide). This should resolve the issue.
We advise you to always log-out of the account to maintain account security when you finish uploading documents or downloading reports. For any questions or in case of any issues, please contact support.