• Plagiarism Checker

    trusted by thousands of students, teachers, writers and professionals

    CheckForPlagiarism.net - Publications Checking

    Publications Checking

    Check through billions of books, articles, academic and professional journals etc.

    CheckForPlagiarism.net - Compare Multiple Documents for Similarities

    Document Comparison

    Compare multiple documents for similarities

  • Extremely Effective Plagiarism Checker

    unlike most plagiarism checking services, our system checks through billions of publications, in addition to cached and live Internet sources

    CheckForPlagiarism.net - Extremely Effective Plagiarism Checking Service
  • Multiple Languages and File Formats supported

    Western Scripts: English, Spanish, German, French, Italian, Portuguese, etc.

    Eastern Scripts: Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, etc.


    Accepted File Formats:

    MS Word, Word Perfect, PostScript, PDF, HTML, etc.

  • Privacy Assured

    CheckForPlagiarism.net is serious about protecting the privacy and security of our users' information. We achieve extremely high levels of security through use of SSL encryption, redundant servers, sophisticated firewalls, offsite secure backups and much more.

    Our service fully complies with both the Better Business Bureau and Safe Harbor privacy and security standards.Your information is your sole proprietary right and as such we guard it fiercely. Our document Checking Engine will match your submitted documents through our patented algorithm, without divulging the contents of your submitted documents.

    At no point is your document made available to be stored in any institutional / academic or other third-party database.

We are so confident in our system, if it fails to meet your expectations we will refund your payment* (details)


Plagiarism Checker for Students

CheckForPlagiarism.net - Student Services Portal

Worried about submitting your documents to TurnItIn or SafeAssign? Read why school, college, and university students, worldwide, trust our plagiarism checking service to check assignments, research, and submissions.

features & pricing


Plagiarism Checker Accounts for Teachers

CheckForPlagiarism.net - Accounts for Individual Teachers and Academic Institutions

Whether you are an individual teacher or part of an institution, you can benefit from our plagiarism checker services. We provide tailored and discounted accounts for both, teachers and institutions.



Plagiarism Checker Accounts for Professionals

CheckForPlagiarism.net - Plagiarism Checking Service for Professionals

Whether you are a writer, publisher, researcher, editor, or any other type of professional, read how you can benefit from our in-depth plagiarism detection and editing services.


Free vs. Paid?

Why should you choose paid plagiarism checking service over free plagiarism checkers? Important information to break preconceived myths and notions.

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Compare Our Service

You are looking for an effective plagiarism checking service, and want to be certain before spending your hard earned money? Read on to know why we are your best bet!


Why plagiarism checking?

Plagiarism is defined as: the act of using another person's words or ideas without giving credit to that person (Merriam-Webster Dictionary)

Is plagiarism checking necessary?

The Internet, although being extensively beneficial suffers from a major drawback, which is, enabling almost effortless plagiarism. Rising concerns over, “intellectual property theft” due to cyber-plagiarism, specifically from students, and content writers (bloggers, writers, and other professionals), has attracted a high degree of interest from educational and professional institutes, the world over, to design effective and innovative techniques to check for plagiarism all submitted work. Universities, colleges, schools and professional concerns are not interested in excuses anymore and penalize offenders using the strictest measures. These can result in individuals or institutions getting fined (up to US$ 500,000), prosecuted, failing or even getting fired from the concerned institute.

With the government regulation on SOPA and PIPA it has become ever more important for professionals and institutions (not just students) to check for plagiarism before publishing.

What we do...

CheckForPlagiarism.net is a USA and UK based company which helps scan documents (any type of documents) for plagiarism using cutting-edge technology to identify and highlight even the most subtle attempts at either intentional or unintentional plagiarism; Giving you an opportunity to check your documents for plagiarism before submitting them. Whether you are a student, teacher, professional, writer, blogger or researcher; you can benefit from our effective plagiarism checking service. We guarantee our results. A claim that few other services can make.

plagiarism research & law articles

plagiarism is a serious crime / alarming stats (2022-2023)

CheckForPlagiarism.net - Plagiarism Consequences and Warning

  • 01 84% college students caught cheating were expelled
  • 02 61% professional writers caught plagiarizing were prosecuted
  • 03 universities are employing ever more sophisticated software to catch plagiarism
  • 04 copyrights infringement cases have risen by over 69% since 2014
  • 05 universities, organizations and courts have started taking an increasingly tough stance on plagiarism
  • 06 universities, and colleges are increasingly digitizing theses to detect plagiarism in previous submissions